Untitled Document
AOGS Election of Office Bearers - 2014 to 2016
National Central University
If elected as ST President I would like to
- Build on the current situation and traditions of the ST section to make AOGS clearly one of
the top two international meetings for Space Research, by increasing the standard and number
of excellent ST Sessions and papers, and by increasing the regular participation of people
from the AOGS region and also Europe, Russia, and USA in AOGS meetings.
- Work closely with all AOGS sections especially PS (Planetary Sciences) and AS
(Atmospheric Sciences) to have closer dialogue and more number of AS-ST and ST-PS
coupled sessions for a better understanding of the Earth’s environment, and bring Astronomy
and Astrophysics (AA) also into the AOGS platform.
- Work on the challenges such as introducing an AOGS letters journal within 2 years, and
increasing the fraction of poster papers as AOGS grows.
- Extend the AOGS outreach by increasing the number of AOGS scientists who are women
and/or from less developed countries, and by introducing High School Student Poster
presentations and earlier career research prizes.
- We also have to consider resolving the difficulties such as asking for Oral preference and
then converting Oral preferred papers to Posters, introducing half and full complementary
registrations to help more eligible candidates, etc.