Untitled Document
AOGS Election of Office Bearers - 2014 to 2016
Adam Switzer(CV)
Singapore NRF Fellow & Nanyang Assistant Professor
Earth Observatory of Singapore
I feel that AOGS should and can be developed into one of the most influential
international geoscience societies in the world. Although we should constantly
strive for excellence in the Asia-Oceania region we must not lose focus on the
goal of maintaining the AOGS presence on the world stage. We must also ensure
that all geoscientists from the Asia-Oceania region are fully aware of AOGS and
the opportunities it provides for collaboration development, scientific discussion
and knowledge transfer. AOGS is a fast-growing, multidisciplinary organisation
that needs an executive team with youth, vision, experience and diligence. I feel I
can provide a significant contribution to that development.
My strength to serve as a treasurer and council member lie in the following
Experience in Asia and Australia - I have worked in academic positions in
Australia, Hong Kong and Singapore and I currently have research projects in
more than ten countries in the region. Additionally I collectively supervise
students and research staff from seven countries in the region.
Experience with large research budgets - My current personal research budget
for projects in the region exceeds $US3.5 million. Additionally I have significant
experience in managing budgets for conferences and large grants.
International project leadership - I am currently Project co-leader for the IUGS
and UNESCO backed program IGCP 588: Preparing for Coastal Change
(www.coastal-change.org) and the INQUA backed program INQUA 1001:
‘Quaternary Coastal Change and Records of Extreme Marine Inundation on
Coastal Environments’.
Geographic location - As the Society is incorporated in Singapore it makes sense
that the treasurer is Singapore based. The last three treasurers have been
Singapore based and I feel it would be sensible to continue this trend.
In summary I feel the Council of AOGS needs members who are proactive in the
region and have considerable vision for shaping the future of the society. I
believe I can fill that role as treasurer of AOGS.