Untitled Document
AOGS Election of Office Bearers - 2014 to 2016
Srivatsan V RAGHAVAN(CV)
Research Fellow
National University of Singapore
I feel happy to be nominated to the AOGS Treasurer position and it is my pleasure to deliver a
mission statement.
Since I joined the Tropical Marine Science Institute at the National University of Singapore in
2008, I have been an active participant of the AOGS. Currently, I am one of the Section
Secretaries of the Hydrological Sciences section and also the Volume Editor of the AdGEO. I was
earlier nominated for a Treasurer in 2011 and AOGS selected me to present a radio-interview
on ‘Climate Change’ in July 2009 on 93.8 Live, Singapore Radio.
Having been a session convener and chair for several AS/HS sections since 2009, I am well
aware of the mission and modus operandi of AOGS, as it strives to expand the scientific
network and create a strong synergy among the various research platforms in Southeast Asia at
par with AGU and EGU.
Primarily, based in Singapore for which AOGS in the head-quarters, I feel I am appropriate to be
one of the office bearers and as a treasurer, my prime obligation would be to make sure that
the funds of the AOGS are safe-guarded. Being a co-PI of several projects at our institute, I am
confident in handling budgets and be responsible for efficient management of society’s funds. It
will be my foremost priority to keep in line with the society’s agenda in the best management
of funds to promote geophysical science for the academia, the corporate and the public.
As AOGS is expanding its network, like the successful session of the joint assembly of the AGUAOGS in 2012, promoting the scientific vision of AOGS is also an important agenda which I shall
strive for. I have been a session convener for the past 5 years and I am happy to mention that
this year, the session that I have convened (AS-13) has had a good response of nearly 25
abstracts submitted. This largely helps me to connect to the research community to invite more
participation from our region as well as around the globe and in the coming years, I hope to
expand this to reach a wider research base to invite more memberships to AOGS.
I look forward to contributing my best a treasurer in the best of my abilities and I take this
opportunity to thank the committee for nominating and considering my candidature.