Solid Earth (SE)
SE03-07 Geodynamics, Active Techtonics of Asia and Himalayas
Solar Terrestrial (ST)
ST01 Coupling of the Solar wind, Magnetosphere, Ionosphere, and Upper Atmosphere Regions
Hydrological Science (HS)
HS18 Urban Flood Hydrology
Atmospheric Science (AS)
AS10 Asian-Australian monsoon and Indo-Pacific climate variability
Atmospheric & Hydrological Science(AS ・HS)
Ocean Science (OS)
OS17 Equatorial Indian Ocean Observations, Dynamics and Biogeochemistry
Planetary Science (PS)
PS08 Comprehensive Understanding of Small Solar System Bodies
Interdisciplinary Working Groups (IWG)
IWG07 Restoration from the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake and Indian Ocean Tsunami

Thai Featured Sessions
As AOGS2007 is held in Bangkok, do keep a look out for sessions organized by our Thai colleagues such as:-
Solid Earth (SE)
SE10 Mineral Sciences and Mineral Resources of Asia-Oceania
SE21 Tsunami Recurrence in South and Southeast Asia
SE25 Petroleum Geosciences in Asia and Oceania
Hydrological Science (HS)
HS09 Flood and Flood Forecasting: Reduce Miseries and Enhance the Benefits
Atmospheric Science (AS)
AS05 Application of the GPS techniques in the Atmosphere and Ionosphere
Ocean Science (OS)
OS13 Coastal Oceanography Studies
OS15 Coastal Modeling