Ocean Science - Distinguished Lecture
Title: Distinguished Lecture

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Huijie XUE

Xiamen University

Speaker Biography

Prof. Huijie Xue, Physical Oceanographer, Nanqiang Distinguished Professor at Xiamen University. Prof. Xue obtained her PhD from Princeton University in 1991. After graduation, Prof. Xue worked as a postdoctoral research associate and a research assistant professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. From 1994-2021, Prof. Xue was on the faculty at the University of Maine, where she remains to be a professor emerita. In 2021, Prof. Xue joined the faculty at Xiamen University. Prof Xue has broad research interests in ocean dynamics and numerical modeling: from estuaries, coastal oceans, marginal seas to basins and from circulation models, coupled atmosphere-ocean models, coupled bio-physical models to operational forecasts and applications. She has published over 140 peer-reviewed academic papers. Prof. Xue served as a co-chair of Science Committee for Internation Workshop on Modeling the Ocean from 2018-2022. She is on the Scientific Steering Committee of Surface Ocean-Lower Atmosphere, and she is a co-editor in chief for Progress in Oceanography.


The marginal seas in the Indo-Pacific confluence overlap with the warmest water of the global ocean and the center of marine biodiversity. The throughflows passing by the region have profound implications on inter-basin exchanges of mass and energy. Similarly, the labyrinth of straits appears to provide potential pathways for planetary waves to propagate between the two oceans. In this talk, remote influences from the open oceans on the circulation and hydrodynamics of the marginal seas in the Indo-Pacific confluence will be reviewed. On the other hand, the unique geological and climate setting of the region governs the dynamical processes in the marginal seas, which encompass from the small-scale turbulent mixing to basin-scale circulations. Particularly, dynamical adjustments that occur in the interior marginal seas ultimately affect the exchanges between the marginal seas and the open oceans along with their implications on biogeochemical element cycling will be discussed.

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