Competition for Best Student Poster Award
Congratulations to the winners of the AOGS2018 Best Student Poster Competition!
AS | BG | HS | IG | OS | PS | ST | SE | Award Criteria & Competition Rules
Atmospheric Sciences (AS)
Kazuhira HOSHI
Niigata University, Japan
AS38-A021 - Weak Stratospheric Polar Vortex Events Modulated by the Arctic Sea Ice Loss
Co-authored with:
Jinro UKITA1, Meiji HONDA1, Tetsu NAKAMURA2, Koji YAMAZAKI2,Yasunobu MIYOSHI3, Ralf JAISER4
1Niigata University
2Hokkaido University
3Kyushu University
4Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research
Xiaofei LI
Peking University
AS06-A024 - The Role of Initial Cloud Condensation Nuclei Concentration in Hail
Co-authored with:
Qinghong ZHANG
Peking University
University of Maryland
AS22-A004 - Semi-Analytical Optical Model for Open and Coastal Waters
Min Wang
Zhejiang University
AS28-A012 - Interdecadal Changes of the Relationship Between the Eurasian Snow Cover Extent to the Spring SAT over Eastern Eurasian Continent
Co-authored with:
Xiaojing JIA
Zhejiang University
Biogeosciences (BG)
Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Japan
BG08-IG-A010 - Structure Analysis of Amino Acid Polymer Synthesized from an Amino Acid Precursor
Co-authored with:
Hajime MITA
Fukuoka Institute of Technology
Hydrological Sciences (HS)
Chia Chi HUANG
National Cheng Kung University
HS28-A011 - Using Low Flow Recession to Evaluate the Basin of Storage-Discharge Sensitivity in Taiwan
Co-authored with:
Hsin-Fu YEH
National Cheng Kung University
Maimoona RAZA
Kangwon National University, South Korea
HS10-A014 - Calculation and Quantitative Mapping of Groundwater Resource in Haean Basin of Korea, with Potential Applications in Future
Co-authored with:
Jin-Yong LEE, Sang Woong YUN
Kangwon National University
Interdisciplinary Geosciences (IG)
Chung-Che WU
National Taiwan University
IG02-A003 - Pinatubo Volcanic Eruption Exacerbated an Abrupt Coral Mortality Event in 1991 Summer
Co-authored with:
Chuan-Chou SHEN1, Ching-Chih CHANG2, Ke-Fu YU3, Yu-Min CHOU4, John PALLISTER5, George BURR2, Li LO1
1National Taiwan University
2University of Arizona
3Guangxi University
4Southern University of Science and Technology
5United States Geological Survey
Ocean Sciences (OS)
University of Tokyo
OS09-A054 - Surface Wave Development Under Explosive Cyclone Conditions and a Comparison with Typhoons
Co-authored with:
Takuji WASEDA1, Adrean WEBB2
1The University of Tokyo
2Kyoto University
Planetary Sciences (PS)
Georgia Institute of Technology
PS06-A004 - A Comprehensive Picture of Callisto's Magnetic and Cold Plasma Environment During the Galileo Era: Implications for JUICE
Co-authored with:
Georgia Institute of Technology
Solar & Terrestrial Sciences (ST)
Kyung-Eun CHOI
Chungbuk National University
ST12-23-A012 - Periodic Properties of Solar Wind Speed and Interplanetary Magnetic Field Measured Near the Earth During Solar Cycle 23 and 24
Co-authored with:
Dae-Young LEE1, Kyungsun PARK1, Kyung-Chan KIM2, Kyu-Cheol CHOI3, Jaehun KIM4
1Chungbuk National University
2Daegu University
3SELab. Inc.
4Korean Space Weather Center
Tohoku University
ST19-A010 - Temporal and Spatial Correspondence of Pc1/EMIC Waves and Energetic Electron Precipitation with Ground-Based Observation on 27 March, 2017
Co-authored with:
Fuminori TSUCHIYA1, Takahiro OBARA1, Hiroaki MISAWA1, Kazuo SHIOKAWA2, Yoshizumi MIYOSHI2, Satoshi KURITA2, Martin CONNORS3
1Tohoku University
2Nagoya University
3Athabasca University
Solar Earth Sciences (SE)
Institute of Earth Sciences
SE28-A029 - Spatio-Temporal EOF Analysis of Common-Mode Error on the Dense, Continuous GPS Data of Taiwan
Co-authored with:
Benjamin Fong Chao2, Emmy Tsui-Yu Chang3
2Academia Sinica
3National Taiwan University
National Taiwan Normal University
SE05-A018 - Petrogenesis of Late Permian Ferroan Granitic Rocks of the Emeishan Large Igneous Province in the Phan Si Pan Uplift and Tu Le Basin (NW Vietnam)
Co-authored with:
Greg Shellnutt1, Tuan Tran Anh2
1National Taiwan Normal University
2Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology