Exhibiting Companies
AINEX Co., LTD. is a general agency of Decagon Devices, Inc. (Soil moisture sensors and datalogger, etc.), UMS GmbH (Tensiometer and soil lab instruments for hydraulic properties, etc.) and Opti-Sciences, Inc. (Cholorophyll fluorometer, etc) in Japan. We sell the sensors and the equipment of these companies that measure the soil, plant, weather and hydrological environment research in Japan.
aLab Inc. along with E-Globaledge Corporation offers "IT Kyoshin" seismometer, designed based on concepts of Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo. Its structural analysis, deformation visualization and other functions required for SHM (Structural Health Monitoring) assist engineers make rapid estimates concerning the safety and extent of building damage.
Beta Analytic Inc
ISO 17025-accredited Beta Analytic is a dedicated radiocarbon dating laboratory with standard turnaround time of 14 business days for its AMS Dating service. Expedited services are available (2-6 business days). All analyses are performed in-house by dedicated professional scientists. Multiple laboratories in Miami, Florida, ensure redundancy and dependable delivery. Respected worldwide for accuracy, quality, and customer care. Results are accessible 24/7 via web access.
DARTS (Data ARchive and Transmission System) is the data archives for the Japanese space science and exploration missions. One of the major purposes is to provide highly processed scientific data products with researchers in space science, such as, solar-terrestrial physics, solar physics, lunar and planetary science and astrophysics, via the internet. DARTS has been developed and maintained by the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA).
Decagon Devices, Inc.
Decagon Devices is a manufacturer of equipment for soil physics and hydrological monitoring. Decagon's well-known soil moisture sensors are used worldwide for monitoring sub-surface hydrological processes. We also have high-quality equipment for generating soil water characteristic curves, monitoring stream depth and EC, and soil hydraulic conductivity.
Earth, Planets and Space
Earth, Planets and Space (EPS) is a peer-reviewed academic journal which presents scientific articles in the earth and planetary sciences, in particular, geomagnetism, aeronomy, space science, seismology, volcanology, geodesy, and planetology. EPS also welcomes articles in new and interdisciplinary subjects. Only new and original content will be accepted for publication.
Earth Observatory of Singapore (Nanyang Technological University)
The Earth Observatory of Singapore (EOS) is a Research Centre of Excellence funded by Singapore’s National Research Foundation, the Ministry of Education and Nanyang Technological University. Our mission is to conduct fundamental research on earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and climate change, toward safer and more sustainable societies.
EOS seeks to innovate in both scientific research and non-scientific outreach and interdisciplinary activities. Since its establishment in 2009, EOS has attracted top international and local scientists and professionals from a variety of fields. Each year dozens of new projects are initiated as we continue to share our findings with regional partners.
Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo
Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo, Japan, is the largest university institute for Solid Earth Science in our country, and is one of the oldest and renowned of its kind in the world with over 80 top-notch academics. We deal with: earthquake, tsunami, volcano, and Earth's interior.
Earth Science Research Promotion Center (National Central University)
The Taiwan Earth Science Research Promotion Center (ESRPC) is an office under the National Science Council of Taiwan. Its primary mission is to promote advanced research in Taiwan in Earth Science-related disciplines, including Geology, Geophysics, Geography, Oceanography, Atmospheric Sciences, and Space Sciences. Every year, ESRPC provides support for the international scholars to visit Taiwan, and sponsors scientific conferences held in Taiwan. The current director is Dr. Jia-Jyun Dong, Professor of Graduate Institute of Applied Geology at the National Central University. ESRPC also assists the distribution of Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (TAO), a SCI journal published bi-monthly by CGU of Taiwan since 1990. TAO accepts research articles, reviews, notes and correspondence in all fields of the Earth Sciences. For more information about ESRPC and TAO, please visit http://esrpc.ncu.edu.tw/ and http://tao.cgu.org.tw.
Editorial Offices of Advances in Atmospheric Sciences & Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters
Advances in Atmospheric Sciences (AAS) publishes original research on the dynamics, physics and chemistry of the atmosphere and oceans. AAS also encourages authors to publish videos and raw data on AAS's website. Publishing with AAS, you would be provided with fast turnaround, citation Alert, Early Online Release, professional copyediting, social-media promotion, and more to expect.
Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters (AOSL) is an international peer-reviewed journal publishing original letters related to all aspects of the atmospheric sciences and physical oceanography. AOSL provides fast-turnaround publication (final decision in three months, and publication in six months), and maintains high standards in the quality of accepted manuscripts.
For more information about AAS and AOSL, please visit and, respectively.
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
The European Geosciences Union (EGU) is, with 11,000 members, Europe’s premier geosciences union. It is dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in the geosciences and the planetary and space sciences for the benefit of humanity. The EGU has a current portfolio of 16 diverse Open Access journals and its annual General Assembly is the largest European geosciences event.
GNS Science / Rafter Radiocarbon
GNS Science is New Zealand's earth science research institute focusing on geological resources, isotope biogeosciences, and natural hazards.
Our Rafter Radiocarbon Lab (www.rafterradiocarbon.co.nz) is the world’s most experienced and together with our Cosmogenic and Stable Isotope Labs provides commercial radiocarbon dating and isotope analysis services for clients worldwide.
Hinode; Japanese solar observing mission
HINODE is a Japanese space mission operated by ISAS/JAXA and NAOJ with NASA, ESA, STFC (UK) and NSC (Norway) as international partners. HINODE has been looking at the Sun from the photosphere to the corona since 2006 with its three advanced telescopes onboard operating in optical, ultraviolet, and X-ray wavelengths. Its unprecedentedly clear images and spectra have presented how dynamically chromospheres and coronae are activated by magnetic fields. The next mission with drastically improved capability is now planned to solve those questions in solar physics, still unanswered and newly discovered by HINODE.
International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP)
The International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) is an international marine research collaboration that explores Earth's history and dynamics using three platforms to recover data recorded in seafloor sediments and to monitor subseafloor environments. IODP involves 27 member nations whose scientists are selected to staff IODP research.
International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG)
The International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) is the international organization dedicated to advancing, promoting, and communicating knowledge of the Earth system and its space environment. Through its Associations, Commissions, and services, IUGG organizes scientific and educational events, undertakes research, coordinates activities, and liaises with other scientific bodies.
The Inter-university Upper atmosphere Global Observation NETwork (IUGONET)
IUGONET is dedicated to developing two new research platforms to facilitate the distribution and application of dispersion-managed ground-based observation data for solar-terrestrial physics: IUGONET metadata database (MDB) and iUgonet Data Analysis Software (UDAS). They are freely available from our website. Our booth provides a hands-on experience.
Japan Geoscience Union
Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU) is a multidisciplinary geoscience organization based in Japan promoting excellence in all fields related to Earth and planetary science.
Kinemetrics is the world leader in innovative design, quality manufacturing, and timely supply of earthquake monitoring instrumentation. Our Open Systems and Services (OSS) department is a distinguished team of geosciences specialists, earthquake engineers, and information technologists within Kinemetrics who serve a diverse market that demands a truly multi-disciplinary approach towards achieving project objectives. Our comprehensive solutions reflect the creative project planning and long-term commitment required to deliver and maintain the most advanced systems in time and in compliance with the highest standards of science and technology.
Meiwafosis Co.,Ltd.
We, Meiwafosis Co., Ltd. has been distributing LI-COR Bioscience, USA who are the maker of the systems for greenhouse gases and photosynthesis analysis apparatus with the global standards for long years.
Nanometrics Inc.
Nanometrics provides monitoring solutions and equipment for studying man-made and natural seismicity. Headquartered in Ottawa, Ontario, with offices and representatives world-wide, Nanometrics has over 30 years’ experience, delivering solutions to customers across the globe. Nanometrics real-time, portable systems are utilized by the world’s leading scientific institutions, universities and major corporations.
National Applied Research Laboratories
National Applied Research Laboratories (NARLabs), established in June 2003, has combined eleven national laboratories into an independent non-profit institute. The establishment of NARLabs creates a new era in the development of national laboratories in Taiwan. The research areas of NARLabs are the critical technologies foreseen by the nation.
NASA Earth System Science conducts and sponsors research on global climate and environmental change and its consequences for life on Earth. Our observations from space help to identify the sources of change in the Earth system, their magnitude and trends, and how the Earth system will change in the future.
Nu Instruments
Nu Instruments Ltd is a market leading designer and manufacturer of high performance mass spectrometers for isotopic and elemental analysis. Our suite of mass spectrometers are used by prestigious laboratories in Universities and other research institutes around the world for research in a diverse range of applications such as Earth Sciences, Environmental and Material Sciences.
Taiwan Earthquake Research Center
Taiwan Earthquake Research Center (TEC) was formed in 2004 and is a collaborative community for the knowledge sharing, open data and instrument pooling across projects and organizations. TEC serves as an open platform for earthquake scientists and engineers, news media and general public for a greater understanding of earthquake risks.
Trimble REF TEK
Trimble’s portfolio of market-leading advanced positioning solutions (GNSS), application software and state-of-the-art REF TEK seismic recorders/sensors provide integrated proven tools for both geodetic, seismological, and meteorological scientific research and monitoring applications. Our robust technologies provide an unprecedented level of capability and reliability to improve safety decisions, ensure structural integrity, and future-proof your investment.
Sapporo Convention Bureau
If you would have any questions on sightseeing information or would need help on getting around Sapporo, please stop by our booth.
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