Program & Highlights
Activity Locator
It shows when and where every event is located
Scientific Program
Browse date, time & venue of presentations
* Please note that the presentation schedule is tentative as there may be late changes in the program.
This is where you can browse all abstracts and download/print your personal copy.
Please know that AOGS does not provide abstracts as printed copies or in CD-ROMs during the conference. If you would like to take along your personal copy to the meeting, we suggest that you visit again around end-June. By then, abstracts that will be presented are more definite.
Presenter Guide - Oral
For contributed talks, total duration is 15 minutes including time for question & answer and speaker changeover.
Presenter Guide - Poster
Please prepare your poster to fit the 2.1m high x 0.9m wide poster panel.
Poster presentations will be held from Tuesday – 29 July 2014 to Friday – 1 August 2014 at the Royton Hall (Level 3), and Foyers (Level 1 and Level 2).
Axford & Distinguished Lectures
Hosted annually, these are honorary lectures by distinguished scientists who have produced work of outstanding quality in geosciences including planetary and solar system science.
The “Axford Lectures” are named in honour of Sir/Professor Ian W. Axford. The plenary talks are held on the opening day of the society’s annual general meeting.
Section Business Meetings & Distinguished Lectures
AOGS has eight sections and each hosts its own Distinguished Lectures in the area that the section represents.
Each AOGS Section has its own elected President and section secretaries. This is where members gather to touch base on society and section issues. Section Business Meetings are usually held during meal breaks (lunch or dinner) and followed by the Distinguished Lectures.