Competition for Best Student Poster Award
Congratulations to the winners of the AOGS2014 Best Student Poster Competition!
AS | BG | HS | IG | OS | PS | ST | SE | Award Criteria & Competition Rules
Atmospheric Sciences (AS)
Yang-Yi Sun
National Central University, Taiwan
AS45-D3-PM2-P-011 - Assimilative Wind Bias Correction Scheme for Global Ionospheric Modeling in Midlatitude
Co-authored with:
Tomoko Matsuo1, Naomi Maruyama1, Jann-Yenq (Tiger) Liu2
1 University of Colorado at Boulder, United States
2 National Central University, Taiwan
Yumi Choi
Pusan National University, South Korea
AS07-25-D3-PM2-P-044 - An Abnormal Intense Typhoon Activity Over the Western North Pacific in 2013
Co-authored with:
Kyung-Ja Ha
Pusan National University, South Korea
Takuro Michibata
Kyushu University, Japan
AS02-D4-PM2-P-027 - The Effects of Aerosols on Water Cloud Physics over East Asia and the North Pacific
Co-authored with:
Toshihiko Takemura1, Kazuaki Kawamoto2
1 Kyushu University, Japan
2 Nagasaki University, Japan
Seungun Lee
Seoul National University, South Korea
AS31-46-D4-PM2-P-017 - Aerosol Simulations Using a Newly Coupled Chemistry-climate Model (GRIMs-Chem)
Co-authored with:
Rokjin J. Park
Seoul National University, South Korea
Pichnaree Lalitaporn
Kyoto University, Japan
AS58-D4-PM2-P-012 - Long-term Satellite Observation for Particulate Matter, CO, and NO2 Air Pollution Over Thailand and Intercomparison with Model
Co-authored with:
Gakuji Kurata, Yuzuru Matsuoka
Kyoto University, Japan
Biogeosciences (BG)
Mayumi Suzuki
Hokkaido University, Japan
BG01-D3-PM2-P-011 - Multidecadal Climate Reconstruction Using Sclerochronological and Geochemical Approaches on Freshwater Peal Mussels in Hokkaido, Japan
Co-authored with:
Tsuyoshi Watanabe1, Atsuko Yamazaki2, Tsuzumi Miyaji3, Kazuto Ohmori1, Kotaro Shirai2
1 Hokkaido University, Japan
2 The University of Tokyo, Japan
3 Tomakomai City Museum, Japan
Hydrological Sciences (HS)
Ming-Jui Chang
National Taiwan University, Taiwan
HS06-D2-PM2-P-012 - A Modified Statistical Downscaling Model of Daily Precipitation
Chen Yang
Beijing Normal University, China
HS14-D2-PM2-P-008 - Global Changes and Drivers of Water Demand for Agriculture
Co-authored with:
Xuefeng Cui
Beijing Normal University, China
Yoshitaka Sakata1,2
1 Hokkaido University, Japan
2 Docon Co. Ltd., Japan
HS11-D2-PM2-P-017 - Field and Numerical Studies for Modeling Trending Heterogeneity of Gravel Deposits in the Toyohira River Alluvial Fan, Sapporo, Japan
Co-authored with:
Kenji Kizaki1, Tetsu Fukuma2, Akinari Honda3, Ryuji Ikeda4
1 Sole Proprietor, Japan
2 ACE Shisui Co., Japan
3 GMLabo Inc., Japan
4 Hokkaido University, Japan
Interdisciplinary Geosciences (IG)
Yuki Nakamura
The University of Tokyo, Japan
IG01-11-15-31-D4-PM2-P-018 - Attribute Analyses of Large-scale Submarine Landslide in the 3D Seismic Data Off Shimokita Peninsula, Northeast Japan.
Co-authored with:
Juichiro Ashi1, Sumito Morita2
1 The University of Tokyo, Japan
2 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan
Sui Iwamoto
Yokohama City University, Japan
IG20-D4-PM2-P-007 - Computer Based Educational Seismology System for Regional Elementary School Students
Co-authored with:
Masashi Kiyomi, Ahyi Kim
Yokohama City University, Japan
Ocean Sciences (OS)
Shota Katsura
Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo, Japan
OS02-D5-PM2-P-043 - Formation Mechanism of Barrier Layer in the Subtropical Pacific Revisited Using Argo Profiling Float Data
Co-authored with:
Eitarou Oka1, Kanako Sato2
1 Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo, Japan
2 Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Japan
Planetary Sciences (PS)
Charles Lue
Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Sweden
PS01-D3-PM2-P-024 - Backscattered Solar Wind from the Moon: Positive Charge Fraction as a Function of Solar Wind Speed
Co-authored with:
Yoshifumi Futaana1, Stas Barabash1, Martin Wieser1, Anil Bhardwaj2, Peter Wurz3
1 Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Sweden
2 Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, India
3 University of Bern, Switzerland
Solar & Terrestrial Sciences (ST)
Hideko Yukino
Kyoto University, Japan
ST02-D2-PM2-P-048 - Analysis of the Airglow Structures Using the Simultaneous Observations by ISS-IMAP and All-sky Imagers
Co-authored with:
A. Saito1, Yuichi Otsuka2, Takeshi Sakanoi3
1 Kyoto University, Japan
2 Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya University, Japan
3 Tohoku University, Japan
Yuko Kubota
Kyoto University, Japan
ST19-13-D2-PM2-P-036 - Relativistic Electron Precipitation Due to Pitch Angle Scattering by EMIC Triggered Emissions in the Inner Magnetosphere
Co-authored with:
Yoshiharu Omura
Kyoto University, Japan
Solar Earth Sciences (SE)
Riefaldy Muhammad
Faculty of Geology University of Padjadjaran, Indonesia
SE01-D5-PM2-P-019 - Geology and Alteration of High Sulphidation Ephitermal System from Surface Mapping and Geochemistry Analysis in Batang Asai, Jambi, Indonesia
Miyuki Takeuchi
Kanazawa University, Japan
SE03-D5-PM2-P-020 - Primary Lower Crustal Materials of the NE-Japan Arc Inferred from Metasomatized Mafic Xenoliths from Ichinomegata Crater
Co-authored with:
Shoji Arai
Kanazawa University, Japan
Masakazu Fujii
The University of Tokyo, Japan
SE04-D5-PM2-P-040 - Magnetic Characterization of the Basalt-Ultramafic Hosted Yokoniwa Hydrothermal Field in the Central Indian Ridge
Co-authored with:
Kyoko Okino1, Taichi Sato2, Hiroshi Sato3, Kentaro Nakamura1
1 The University of Tokyo, Japan
2 Geological Survey of Japan, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan
3 Senshu University, Japan
Tzu-Chi Lin1,2
1 Academia Sinica, Taiwan
2 National Taiwan University, Taiwan
SE20-D5-PM2-P-053 - Earthquake Scenario of Tsunami and Shaking Simulations for Potential Megathrust Event Along the Southernmost Ryukyu Trench
Co-authored with:
Shiann-Jong Lee1, Shu-Huei Hung2
1 Academia Sinica, Taiwan
2 National Taiwan University, Taiwan