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Distinguished Lectures
Axford Lectures
"New Faces in Climate Variability and Their Predictability"
Toshio Yamagata
The University of Tokyo
28 July, Monday
17:00 - 17:45, Royton Hall D, Level 3
Abstract | Speaker Biography
"Lessons from 40+ Years of Volcanic Eruptions
Around the World"
Chris Newhall
Mirisbiris Garden and Nature Center
28 July, Monday
17:45 - 18:30, Royton Hall D, Level 3
Abstract | Speaker Biography
Special Lectures
"Evolution of the Solar System: The first ten million years"
Jitendra Nath Goswami
Physical Research Laboratory (PRL)
29 July, Tuesday
18:00 - 19:00, Royton Hall D, Level 3
"Viewing the Earth's Climate from Space"
Jack A Kaye
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
30 July, Wednesday
18:00 - 19:00, Royton Hall D, Level 3
Abstract | Speaker Biography
Section Distinguished Lectures
AS |
BG |
HS |
IG |
OS |
PS |
ST |
Atmospheric Sciences (AS) |
"Nine years after Katrina: Do we know better the relationship between tropical cyclone activity and global warming?"
Johnny Chan
School of Energy and Environment, City University of Hong Kong
31 July, Thursday
14:00 - 14:45, Royton Hall D, Level 3
Abstract | Speaker Biography
"Air Pollution in Asia and its Effects on the Climate and Public
Teruyuki Nakajima
Center for Earth Surface System Dynamics (CESD), Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute (AORI) University of Tokyo
31 July, Thursday
14:45 - 15:30, Royton Hall D, Level 3
Abstract | Speaker Biography
Biogeosciences (BG) |
"Multi-tracer Data Assimilation for Biogeochemical Flux and Rate
Reiner Schlitzer
Alfred Wegener, Institute for Polar and Marine Research
30 July, Wednesday
14:00 - 14:45, Castle Room, Level 1
Abstract | Speaker Biography
"Inter-annual Variability of the Global Land Carbon Cycle"
Shilong Piao
Peking University
30 July, Wednesday
14:45 - 15:30, Castle Room, Level 1
Abstract | Speaker Biography
Hydrological Sciences (HS) |
"Hydrological Extremes, Probable Maximum Events and Water-Related Disaster Management"
Kaoru Takara
Kyoto University
29 July, Tuesday
14:00 - 14:45, Castle Room, Level 1
Abstract | Speaker Biography
"Hydrological Perspective of Climate Change Impact Assessment"
Ke-Sheng Cheng
National Taiwan University
29 July, Tuesday
14:45 - 15:30, Castle Room, Level 1
Abstract | Speaker Biography
Interdisciplinary Geosciences (IG) |
"The Great East Japan Disaster and Human Geoscience"
Yukio Himiyama
Hokkaido University of Education
31 July, Thursday
14:00 - 14:45, Castle Room, Level 1
Abstract | Speaker Biography
"Applying the Palaeo-tropical Cyclone Record"
Jonathan Nott
James Cook University
31 July, Thursday
14:45 - 15:30, Castle Room, Level 1
Abstract | Speaker Biography
Ocean Sciences (OS) |
"Late Quaternary Changes in the Oceans Surrounding Australia; a Southern Hemisphere
Perspective of the Global Ocean and Lessons for the Future"
Patrick De Deckker
Research School of Earth Sciences, The Australian National University
1 Aug, Friday
14:00 - 14:45, Castle Room, Level 1
Abstract | Speaker Biography
"Global View of Sea Ice Production and its Linkage with Dense/Deep
Water Formation"
Kay I. Ohshima
Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University
1 Aug, Friday
14:45 - 15:30, Castle Room, Level 1
Abstract | Speaker Biography
Planetary Sciences (PS) |
"A New Perspective on the Lunar - Solar Wind Interaction"
Anil Bhardwaj
Space Physics Laboratory, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre
30 July, Wednesday
14:00 - 14:45, Royton Hall D, Level 3
Abstract | Speaker Biography
"The Aeronomy of Mars"
Andrew F. Nagy
University of Michigan
30 July, Wednesday
14:45 - 15:30, Royton Hall D, Level 3
Abstract | Biography
As Professor Andrew Nagy is unable to attend the conference due to unforeseen circumstances, his lecture will be presented by Professor Joseph Grebowsky.
Joseph Grebowsky
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Speaker Biography
Solar & Terrestrial Sciences (ST) |
"Comparative Magnetospheric Study: Now the Time"
Masaki Fujimoto
29 July, Tuesday
14:00 - 14:45, Royton Hall D, Level 3
Abstract | Speaker Biography
"Energetic Particles at Voyager: the Heliosheath, Heliopause and Beyond."
J. R. Jokipii
University of Arizona
29 July, Tuesday
14:45 - 15:30, Royton Hall D, Level 3
Abstract | Speaker Biography
Solid Earth Sciences (SE) |
"New Insights into the Earth's Interior through the MoHole"
Shoji Arai
Kanazawa University
1 Aug, Friday
14:00 - 14:45, Royton Hall D, Level 3
Abstract | Speaker Biography
"The 2011 Great Tohoku-Oki (Mw9.0) Earthquake and its
Seismological Significance"
Akira Hasegawa
Tohoku University
1 Aug, Friday
14:45 - 15:30, Royton Hall D, Level 3
Abstract | Speaker Biography
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