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AOGS Funding Support
- Complimentary Registration (AOGS Comps)
- For every 20 accepted abstracts, 1 complimentary registration provided to the Session Convener for deciding the recipient.
- Total funding available is up to 120 complimentary registrations.
- Conveners may not award themselves AOGS Comps because society policy forbids such practices.
Deadlines for Conveners
Complete Abstract Review – 4 Mar 2014
Decide AOGS Comps Recipient Online - 18 Mar 2014
(AOGS Secretariat Sends Notification on 25 Mar 2014)
Recipients Must Register by 27 May 2014 or the offer will lapse
How the scheme operates
For each session, the quota of AOGS Comps is auto-computed after abstract review is completed and only authors with an accepted abstract can be considered. Convener(s) can access this information on MARS.
The Convener needs decide and make the selection online. Once selected, the registration fee of the AOGS Comps recipient will automatically be set to zero.
Secretariat Office should inform the selected individual as early as possible.
The recipient must be an author-presenter and the benefit is not transferable.
AOGS Comps Recipients need complete registration by 27 May 2014 or the offer will lapse.
Enquires & Assistance
Please contact AOGS Secretariat by email to: info@asiaoceania.org
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- Reduced Registration Fee
AOGS has a reduced fee scheme which is applicable to both standard and student rate. AOGS will set aside funding support for up to 10% of eligible participants to receive reduced fee status.
Eligibility for the reduced fee scheme is restricted to scientists working in less wealthy countries, as defined by the World Bank list of low income and lower middle income countries. Information about the classification procedure is provided at: http://data.worldbank.org/about/country-classifications. There are 84 countries defined as low or lower-middle income, including 21 countries in the Asia Oceania region. These are listed below by alphabetical order by category.
If there are more applicants for the reduced fee scheme than funding available, selection criteria will be applied. The selection process will be overseen by the Financial Support Committee which is chaired by the AOGS Treasurer. The criteria used for the selection process include assessment of the quality of the science, the value of the contribution to the conference session and the relative career stage of the applicant, with preference towards junior scientists.
Application Closes at 12 noon on 11 Feb 2014
Result Notification by 25 Mar 2014
Registration and Payment by 27 May 2014
Reduced Fee
Student RateSGD175
Standard RateSGD350
Conditions for Application
- Applicants MUST be based in less wealthy countries, as defined by the World Bank list of low income and lower middle income countries. (Refer to list of countries below)
- Applicants MUST have an accepted abstract.
- Applicants must submit all required information.
- Application must be submitted by 12 noon on 11 Feb 2014 (Singapore time).
- Applications will be reviewed and successful applicants will be notified by email by 25 Mar 2014.
- Successful applicants must confirm their participation by 27 May 2014, and the payment of that registration fee must be completed by then. Otherwise the offer will lapse.
Note: Submitting the application does NOT imply that the assistance requested will be offered.
Applicants based in the following countries are eligible
Low Income
| Low Middle Income |
Afghanistan | Armenia |
Bangladesh | Bhutan |
Benin | Bolivia |
Burkina Faso | Cameroon |
Burundi | Cape Verde |
Cambodia | Congo, Rep. |
Central African Republic | Côte d'Ivoire |
Chad | Djibouti |
Comoros | Egypt, Arab Rep. |
Congo, Dem. Rep | El Salvador |
Eritrea | Georgia |
Ethiopia | Ghana |
Gambia, The | Guatemala |
Guinea | Guyana |
Guinea-Bisau | Honduras |
Haiti | Indonesia |
Kenya | India |
Korea, Dem Rep. | Kiribati |
Kyrgyz Republic | Kosovo |
Liberia | Lao PDR |
Madagascar | Lesotho |
Malawi | Mauritania |
Mali | Micronesia, Fed. Sts. |
Mozambique | Moldova |
Myanmar | Mongolia |
Nepal | Morocco |
Niger | Nicaragua |
Rwanda | Nigeria |
Sierra Leone | Pakistan |
South Sudan | Papua New Guinea |
Somalia | Paraguay |
Tajikistan | Philippines |
Tanzania | Samoa |
Togo | São Tomé and Principe |
Uganda | Senegal |
Zimbabwe | Solomon Islands |
| Sri Lanka |
| Sudan |
| Swaziland |
| Syrian Arab Republic |
| Timor-Leste |
| Ukraine |
| Uzbekistan |
| Vanuatu |
| Vietnam |
| West Bank and Gaza |
| Yemen, Rep. |
| Zambia |
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