Exhibitor Guide
The information provided below will help you prepare for your exhibit at the AOGS 2014. The conference will be held in Royton Sapporo Hotel, Japan. Dates for the meeting are 28 Jul to 1 August 2014. Please read the information below carefully. We look forward to having you at our conference in Singapore.
Location of Exhibits
Exhibits will be held mainly in Royton Hall A, B and C on Level 3, and also at the Foyer outside the hall.
Poster sessions are held on Level 1, 2 and 3, with the bulk of it located in Royton Hall A, B and C on Level 3.
Coffee/tea stations are also located in Royton Hall to help increase traffic to your exhibit.
See Floor Plan Here
Material Shipping, Receiving and Handling
AOGS2014 has contracted with Agility Fairs & Events for the handling of all exhibit material. The conference highly recommends that you employ the use of a customs broker for the shipping of your materials.
Please click here for Freight Instructions
Booths, Furniture & IT Equipment
ICS Convention Design, lnc. has been has been appointed as the official booth, furniture and IT Equipment provider for AOGS 2014.
Please click here for the order forms.
Suppliers Contact:
Logistic / Forwarding
Agility Fairs & Events Logistics Pte Ltd
Jack Tan
Tel: +65 6571 5604
Email: JkTan@agilitylogistics.com
Booth, Furniture & IT Equipment
ICS Convention Design, lnc
Tel: +81 3 3219 3541
Fax: +81 3 3219 3577
Email: aogs2014@ics-inc.co.jp