AOGS provides funding support for participating in its annual meetings. All PhD students and early stage researchers making an oral/poster presentation at the meeting will be considered favourably. Maximum allowable is ONE Award and the award is not transferable.
1. AOGS Comps | Convener Decides | Decision Outcome 21 to 28 March 2023 |
2. Reduced Registration Fee | Application 13 December 2022 to 14 February 2023 |
Application Outcome 21 to 28 March 2023 |
3. Student Volunteer Fee Waiver | ||
Funding Support Recipients Must Register by 18 May 2023 After which we will presume that you have withdrawn your application Enquiries & Assistance: Please email AOGS Secretariat to info@asiaoceania.org Fees & Registration: Information Here |
For every 20 accepted abstracts, 1 complimentary registration is provided to the Session Convener for deciding the recipient. Total funding available is up to 120 complimentary registrations.
Who is Eligible?
How the scheme operates
For each session, the allocation of AOGS Comps is auto-computed after abstract review is completed and only authors with an accepted abstract can be considered. Convener(s) can access this information in MARS. The Convener needs decide and make the selection online as soon as possible. Upon being selected, the registration fee of the AOGS Comps recipient will automatically be set to zero.
AOGS reduced fee is applicable to both standard and student rate. PhD students and early stage researchers making an oral/poster presentation at the meeting will be considered favourably.
Who is Eligible?
Low Income Economies [28)
Afghanistan | Guinea-Bissau | Somalia |
Burkina Faso | Korea, Dem. People’s Rep | South Sudan |
Burundi | Liberia | Sudan |
Central African Republic | Madagascar | Syrian Arab Republic |
Chad | Malawi | Togo |
Congo, Dem. Rep | Mali | Uganda |
Eritrea | Mozambique | Yemen, Rep. |
Ethiopia | Niger | Zambia |
Gambia, The | Rwanda |
Lower-Middle Income Economies [54]
Angola | India | Philippines |
Algeria | Indonesia | Samoa |
Bangladesh | Iran, Islamic Rep | São Tomé and Principe |
Benin | Kenya | Senegal |
Bhutan | Kiribati | Solomon Islands |
Bolivia | Kyrgyz Republic | Sri Lanka |
Cabo Verde | Lao PDR | Tanzania |
Cambodia | Lebanon | Tajikistan |
Cameroon | Lesotho | Timor-Leste |
Comoros | Mauritania | Tunisia |
Congo, Rep. | Micronesia, Fed. Sts. | Ukraine |
Côte d'Ivoire | Mongolia | Uzbekistan |
Djibouti | Morocco | Vanuatu |
Egypt, Arab Rep. | Myanmar | Vietnam |
El Salvador | Nepal | West Bank and Gaza |
Eswatini | Nicaragua | Zimbabwe |
Ghana | Nigeria | |
Haiti | Pakistan | |
Honduras | Papua New Guinea |
Note: Submitting the application does NOT imply that the assistance requested will be offered.
The program aims to provide some work experience and an opportunity to explore career options as well as to develop and sharpen personal and professional skills while also developing a sense of connection with the AOGS community. The scheme will be implemented by the Local Advisory Committee (LAC) provided applicable, in consultation with AOGS.