Note: Time stated is based on Singapore Standard Time and is 8 Hours ahead of GMT (+8:00)
Climate Change Research Centre,
University of New South Wales
AS Distinguished Lecture
How Can We Understand Small-Scale Atmospheric Processes Better?
Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences School of Physics, Peking University
AS Kamide Lecture
Land-Atmosphere Feedbacks through Dust and Wildfire Processes
Research Institute of Humanity and Nature
BG Distinguished Lecture
Co-Benefits of Reduction in Regional Emissions of Greenhouse Gases and Air Pollutants
Universiti Malaya
BG Kamide Lecture
Tropical Marine Algae: Halocarbon Emissions under Changing Environment
University of New South Wales
HS Distinguished Lecture
The Implications of Global Warming on Dams, Reservoirs, the Probable Maximum Precipitation, and the Probable Maximum Flood
National University of Singapore
HS Kamide Lecture
Advances in Surrogate-Assistant Methods and Parallel Computing Techniques for Efficient Water Resources and Environmental Model Management
National Central University
IG Distinguished Lecture
Hydrological Hazards and Environmental Issues by using Remote Sensing and Artificial Intelligence Techniques
The University of Queensland
IG Kamide Lecture
Geomorphic and Sedimentary Signatures of Storms and Tsunamis on Tropical Coastlines
Shanghai Ocean University
OS Distinguished Lecture
How Planktonic Organisms Adapted to Turbulent Environments?
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
OS Kamide Lecture
Arctic Sea-Ice Reduction and Gulf Stream Warming under Global Warming: Implication for the Further Development of GCMs
University of Hong Kong
PS Distinguished Lecture
Geological Diversity and Strategic Exploration Potential of Lakes and Seas on Mars
University College London
PS Kamide Lecture
X-ray Emissions from Magnetospheric Processes at Jupiter and Uranus
Nanjing University
ST Distinguished Lecture
Diagnosis of the Coronal Magnetic Field Based on Imaging Observations
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), Catholic University of America, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
ST Kamide Lecture
Review of R&D on Ionosphere and Radio Propagation to Support a Stable Operation of Radio Infrastructure
National Institute of Natural Hazards,
Ministry of Emergency Management
SE Distinguished Lecture
Probability Hazard Assessment of Earthquake-Triggered Landslides in China
Nanyang Technological University
SE Distinguished Lecture
Approaching the 20th Anniversary of the Great 2004 Aceh-Andaman Earthquake and Tsunami: Lessons Learned on Tectonics, Hazards, and Resilience along the Sumatran Subduction Zone