AOGS has a Mentoring Program for students and is considering expanding it to post-docs and Early Career Researchers (ECRs). It was formerly called Meet-the-Experts. This program attempts to link Undergraduate and Post-graduate students (MS and PhD) with more senior researchers in their field.
Undergraduate and Post-graduate students (MS and PhD) are invited to meet experts in their section as part of the Meet the Experts (MTE) program. “Your” Expert will contact you before the meeting to set up a date and time to meet during the conference. To participate, please sign up during registration and provide the following information: your name, AOGS section, year, university, country, abstract no (if you are presenting), and research interest. We will match you up with a mentor, as much as possible.
This is an opportunity to meet people in your field and get contacts for future research, post-graduate study, or post-doctoral positions. Don’t worry about your English skills. We believe that participating will greatly enhance your experience at and involvement in the meeting.
For the Mentoring Program to work, we need Mentors to volunteer. Student(s) will be associated with Mentors based on their expertise. The email addresses of the students will be given to the Mentor(s) in order for the Mentor(s) Experts to arrange a date and time to meet that fits with their schedule. To participate, please sign up during registration and provide the following information: your details: name, AOGS section, year, university, country, abstract no (if you are presenting), and research interest(s). We will match you up with student(s), as much as possible. The contact will be sent ahead of time.
If you are looking for post-docs, you can look at this as the potential for an informal interview. You can make this as involved as you like. As a minimum, please meet the student sometime during the week and see their poster or presentation. You might want to go to lunch with them so you can have an extended chat on their research and interests. You might ask them for one of their paper(s). It is up to you to decide how involved you want to be. As for the time investment, it might save you time in the future to find out about a future collaborator or post-doc. You can get a lot more information on them this way than from a CV and/or a Skype, Zoom, Teams interview.
Please volunteer and participate.