"SpringerBriefs In Interdisciplinary Geosciences" is to be an AOGS book project in cooperation with Springer Nature. It will cover all fields of the scientific disciplines of AOGS.
For potential interests and book proposals, please contact the Editor-in-Chief, Prof Yoshihara Omura, or other members of the Editorial Advisory Committee:
Prof Yoshihara OMURA (Kyoto University): omura@rish.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Prof Qingyun DUAN (Hohai University): qyduan@hhu.edu.cn
Prof Wing IP (National Central University): wingip@astro.ncu.edu.tw
Prof Kyeongja KIM (Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources): kjkim@kigam.re.kr
Prof Kuo-Fong MA (Academia Sinica): fong@earth.sinica.edu.tw
Prof Van-Thanh-Van NGUYEN (McGill University): van.tv.nguyen@mcgill.ca
Prof Kaoru SATO (The University of Tokyo): kaoru@eps.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp
The Springer website provides information to authors when preparing their manuscripts: https://www.springer.com/gp/authors-editors/book-authors-editors/springerbriefs
It is not particularly necessary to use a template, the manuscripts can be provided as a Word document and will be professionally typeset by Springer. Electronic proofs are provided for minor correction before the final files are created for publication.
Springer calculates 550 words per page of flat text (not including images), and the SpringerBrief series has a maximum page limit of 125 pages. Inclusions of coloured images, tables and figures are free of any costs and will be published in colour in both the print and e-book versions.
For an idea of how a SpringerBrief volume looks with regard to layout, etc. please take a look and share this Open Access book https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-981-19-8677-2. As you can also see from this page each book is listed as part of a series but also has its own dedicated webpage.