Satellite Meetings

Meeting Records

AOGS-EGU Joint Conference: NatHazards 2021
20 to 22 September 2021, Virtual

Conference Website

Total Attendees by:
Region: 212
Africa: 3
Asia: 162
Europe: 35
North America: 5
Oceania: 7

Presentations 27
T1 - Hazard Development Under a Changing Climate 8
T3 - Natural Hazards in Megacities 4
T4 - Monitoring and Remote Observation for Natural Hazard 2
T5 - Natural Hazard Forecasting, Nowcasting, Early Warning and Response 9
T6 - Multi-hazard Relationships, Transient Effects and Dynamic Risk 2
T7 - Natural Hazards Communications, Education and Policy-Science-Public Interface. 2