Annual General Meetings

Meeting Records

Annual General Meeting 2023

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Notice is hereby given that the 2023 Annual General Meeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society will be conducted on Monday, 31 July 2023 at 4.50pm, Singapore Standard Time (GMT +08), Nicoll Room, Suntec Singapore Convention & Exhibition Centre. The general meeting can be accessed by members who have registered their attendance in accordance with a notice that will be emailed individually to all AOGS Members.


  1. Welcome and Opening Remarks
  2. Secretary General’s Report
  3. Ratification of Amendments to the Constitution
  4. Treasurer’s Report
  5. Appointment of Honorary Auditor
  6. Election of Office Bearers
  7. Publication Committee Chair’s Report
  8. Regional Advisory Committee Chair’s Report
  9. Presentation of Awards
    • Axford Medal
    • Wing Ip Medal
    • Research Fellows


No. of Attendees 278


1. Welcome and Opening Remarks
Professor Chun-Chieh WU welcomed Members to the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and thanked all for attending the AOGS2023. The AGM was called to order at 4.50pm Singapore Standard Time (GMT+08).
2. Approval of the Agenda
All were in favour of the agenda as presented.
3. Ratification of Amendments to the Constitution
All were in favour of the amendments to the Constitution.
4. Secretary General’s Report
Professor Robin ROBERTSON presented the report of the Society’s activities during the past year.
5. Treasurer’s Report
Professor Benoit TAISNE presented the 2022 – 2023 Audited Financial Statement. There was no question at the conclusion of the presentation of the audited statement and approved as presented.
6. Appointment of Honorary Auditor
All were in favour with the appointment of Professor Shie-Yui LIONG as the Honorary Auditor.
7. Election of Office Bearers
Professor David HIGGITT introduced the General Election Candidates for 2024 – 2026.
8. Publication Committee Chair’s Report
Professor Van-Thanh-Van NGUYEN presented the Publication Committee Report for the past year.
9. Regional Advisory Committee Chair’s Report
Professor Wing-Huen IP presented the Regional Advisory Committee Report for the past year.
10. Presentation of Awards
Professor Chun-Chieh WU presented the following awards:
- Axford Medal: Professor John CHURCH
- Wing Ip Medal: Professor Shigeo YODEN
- AOGS Fellows: Professor Anil BHARDWAJ, Professor Bellie SIVAKUMAR, Dr Tetsuo NAKAZAWA, Professor Yoshifumi SAITO