Global Geoscience

AOGS-EGU Joint Conference on New Dimensions for Natural Hazards in Asia

Jointly organized with the European Geosciences Union, this is a conference series. The joint conference is held once every two years in a location that bring together in one place, original research and people at the heart of the issues.

List of Meetings
NatHazards2021Virtual Conference

AOGS recognizes the need for international collaboration and welcomes more of such co-operation with also other regional and international geoscience societies and unions.

Contact us for a discussion
Email AOGS Secretariat to:
Email AOGS Leadership to:

AOGS Satellite Meetings

Organized among members of the AOGS Regional Advisory Committee and Section Presidents for collective impact in ASEAN and India region.

RAC Meetings

AOGS-RAC Satellite Meetings – Rules for Organizer

  1. Minimum requirement is 2 organizers per workshop.
    ONE Regional Advisory Committee Member and ONE AOGS Section President or the Section President’s Designate
  2. The organizer/co-organizer cannot be a workshop speaker
  3. Minimum workshop duration is one day, and maximum is two days
  4. All local expenses are the responsibility of the workshop organizer
  5. AOGS financial support is for One Invited Speaker per day and up to Two Invited Speakers per workshop; maximum according to AOGS policy.
  6. Every participant needs register and pay a fee to attend the workshop; at a rate to be determined by the workshop organizer.
  7. The workshop organizer shall return at least 40% of registration fees to AOGS.
  8. Paid registrants are entitled to AOGS membership
    (See benefits here:
  9. The list of paid registrants and their contacts must be submitted at the end of the workshop in order to be added to the AOGS membership register.

AOGS-RAC Satellite Meeting – Submit Proposal

  1. Read carefully the rules/requirements here
  2. You will need your user account to log on to the ASM (AOGS Satellite Meetings) portal
    • Existing MARS users may use the same email/password
    • First time users, please sign up for a user account here
  3. Click “Submit Meeting Proposal” on the left menu and complete the online form
  4. You can modify, resubmit your proposal anytime but it must be before the review.
    After log-in on the ASM portal (with your email and password)
    • Click on “My Meeting Proposals”
    • Click on “Meeting Proposal ID” to view and edit your submission
  5. Its acceptance is subject to review and approval by the Chair of the AOGS Regional Advisory Committee.
  6. The time limit for review and approval is usually 30 days after receiving the proposal.