The Committee will shortly start the process of producing the slate of candidates from those nominated. If you are interested in nominating candidates please submit your nomination in MARS.
How to Nominate?
Nomination Package should be submitted when complete via MARS. The full nomination package includes: 1-page CV and 1-page nomination letter for each nominee.
2023 General Election Nomination: Opens 04 Oct 2022; Closes 09 Jan 2023
Please submit your nominations by 09 Jan 2023 in MARS: https://meetmatt-svr.net/Account/Login
The AOGS President, Secretary-General, Treasurer, and Section Presidents for the term of 2024-2026 will be elected at the 20th General Meeting on 30 July to 04 August, 2023 in Singapore. Those elected will serve in the 2024-2025 term as Vice President, Assistant Secretary General, Assistant Treasurer and Section Vice Presidents.
For the election of Council members at the Annual General Meeting, the Council may appoint a Nomination Committee (see P. 6 - AOGS constitution here). The members of this committee are:
Chair | |
AOGS Vice-President | David HIGGITT, Beijing Jiaotong University (Lancaster University College) d.higgitt@lancaster.ac.uk |
Members/Section Representatives | |
AOGS Secretary General: | Robin ROBERTSON, Xiamen University Malaysia robin.robertson@xmu.edu.my |
AS Section Vice-President: | Jong Bae AHN, Pusan National University jbahn@pusan.ac.kr |
BG Section Vice-President: | Punyasloke BHADURY, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata pbhadury@iiserkol.ac.in |
HS Section Vice-President: | Ji CHEN, The University of Hong Kong jichen@hku.hk |
IG Section Vice-President: | Vena Pearl BONGOLAN, University of Philippines Diliman bongolan@dcs.upd.edu.ph |
OS Section Vice-President: | Changming (Charles) DONG, Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology cdong@atmos.ucla.edu |
PS Section Vice-President | Shuanggen JIN, Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology sgjin@shao.ac.cn |
ST Section Vice-President | Jann-Yenq LIU, National Central University jyliu@jupiter.ss.ncu.edu.tw |
SE Section Vice-President | . Bruce H. SHYU, National Taiwan University jbhs@ntu.edu.tw |
3.1 | Contact nominees to request their declared acceptance of AOGS Terms of Reference for Council Members |
3.2 | Prepare a slate of candidates for the Council members, i.e., President-Elect, Secretary General-Elect, Treasurer-Elect and Section Presidents-Elect. Ideally, two to three candidates are required for each of these positions. The candidates for Section Presidents-Elect will be identified in consultation with the individual Sections |
3.3 | Ascertain the willingness of all candidates to stand for election; and |
3.4 | Present the proposed slates to the Council for approval. In selecting nominees, care should be given to assure that there is representation of the Society’s diverse regional and disciplinary interests and that the Council reflect, over time, a reasonable balance of these interests. |
3.5 | Election will be by ballot. In the event of a tie, the Chair of the Nomination Committee shall have a casting vote. Ballots marked for candidates for Section President-Elect in more than one Section will be declared null and void as far as Section elections are concerned. Space for write-in candidates will also be provided. |