Awards Committee

2015 Axford Medal & AOGS Honorary Members

Kenji SATAKE, The University of Tokyo

Atsuhiro NISHIDA, AOGS Past President

AOGS Secretary General
David HIGGITT, The University of Nottingham Ningbo

AOGS Treasurer
Adam SWITZER, The Earth Observatory of Singapore

AOGS Section Representatives
[AS] Chun-Chieh WU, National Taiwan University
[BG] Xiujun Wang, Beijing Normal University
[HS] Namsik PARK, Dong-A University
[IG] Kruawan JANKAEW, Chulalongkorn University
[OS] Robin ROBERTSON, University of New South Wales at the Australian Defense Force Academy
[PS] Anil BHARDWAJ, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre
[ST] P.K MANOHARAN, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
[SE] Chris NEWHALL, Mirisbiris Garden and Nature Center