Best Student Poster

Congratulations to the winners of the AOGS2015 Best Student Poster Competition!

AS | BG | HS | IG | OS | PS | ST | SE | Award Criteria & Competition Rules

Atmospheric Science (AS)

Khairunnisa YAHYA
North Carolina State University
AS06-D3-PM2-P-027 - Evaluation for Multi-Year Simulations of WRF/Chem Over Continental U.S. and Impacts of Emissions and Boundary Conditions on Air Quality and Meteorology
Co-authored with:
Jian HE, Yang ZHANG
North Carolina State University

Nanyang Technological University
AS17-D3-PM2-P-030 - Is Rainfall in Malay Peninsula Related to the MJO?
Co-authored with:
Tieh-Yong KOH, Chee-Kiat TEO
Nanyang Technological University

Geum-Hee YANG
Pusan National University
AS35-D3-PM2-P-009 - Analysis of the Decade-Long Trend of PM10 and Its Physical Properties Observed from Both Surface and Satellite Over Northeast Asia
Co-authored with:
Cheol-Hee KIM
Pusan National University

Biogeosciences (BG)

Weiying LI
Xiamen University
BG04-D3-PM2-P-010 - Interactive Effects of Light, Nitrogen Source and Carbon Dioxide on Energy Metabolism in the Diatom Thalassiosira Pseudonana
Co-authored with:
Dongmei LI, Wenfang LIN, Haizheng HONG, Dalin SHI
Xiamen University

Hydrological Science (HS)

Kyoto University
APHW01-D2-PM2-P-015 - Long term benefit evaluation of Makio dam based on reservoir sedimentation progress considering climate change
Co-authored with:
Tetsuya SUMI1, Yasuhiro TAKEMON1, Yoshinobu SATO2
1 Kyoto University
2 Ehime University

Dadiyorto WENDI
National University of Singapore
HS02-D2-PM2-P-030 - Derivation of Low Cost and Reliable DEM for South-East Asia -- An Entrepreneurship with Social Responsibility
Co-authored with:
Shie-Yui LIONG, Yabin SUN
National University of Singapore

Jun Seon LEE
Hongik University
HS11-D2-PM2-P-007 - Hydraulic Characteristics of Non-Newtonian Debris Flow by Apparent Eddy Viscosity Approach
Co-authored with:
Seung Myung OH, Chang Geun SONG
Incheon National University

Interdisciplinary Geosciences (IG)

Indian Institute of Science
IG18-D4-PM2-P-008 - Post-2004 Plate Boundary Interactions and the Increased Deformation in the Wharton Basin, NE Indian Ocean
Co-authored with:
Indian Institute of Science

Ocean Science (OS)

Satbyul KIM
Pukyong National University
OS08-D4-PM2-P-010 - Tsunami Simulation Using Dynamic Earthquake Models: Toward the Tsunami Hazard Evaluation
Co-authored with:
Eiichi FUKUYAMA2, Tatsuhiko SAITO2, Tae-Seob KANG1
1 Pukyong National University
2 National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention

Planetary Science (PS)

National Taiwan Normal University
PS13-D5-PM2-P-012 - Organic Molecules in Comet C/2012 F6 (Lemmon)
Co-authored with:
Yi-Jehng KUAN1, Martin CORDINER2, Steven CHARNLEY2, Stefanie MILAM3
1 National Taiwan Normal University
2 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
3 NASA Ames Research Center

Solar & Terrestrial Science (ST)

University of Oulu
ST24-D2-PM2-P-018 - A New Method to Estimate Contributions of Coronal Mass Ejections and High-Speed Streams to Geomagnetic Activity
Co-authored with:
University of Oulu

Solar Earth Science (SE)

Michael WITEK
Northwestern University
SE01-D5-PM2-P-015 - S-Velocity Structure of the Crust and Uppermost Mantle of East Asia from Ambient Seismic Noise
Co-authored with:
Shuoxian NING1, Tae-Seob KANG2, Suzan VAN DER LEE1, Sung-Joon CHANG3, Jieyuan NING4
1 Northwestern University
2 Pukyong National University
3 Kangwon National University
4 Peking University

Hokkaido University
SE12-D5-PM2-P-011 - Near Field Ionospheric Disturbance by the Eruption of the Kelud Volcano, Indonesia, in February 2014 Observed by GNSS-TEC Method
Co-authored with:
Kosuke HEKI1, Akiko TAKEO1, Mokhamad Nur CAHYADI2, Arif ADITIYA3
1 Hokkaido University
2 Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology
3 Geospatial Information Agency