AS | HS | IG | OS | PS | ST | SE | Award Criteria & Competition Rules
Atmospheric Science (AS)
Lawrence Jing-Yueh LIU
National Central University
AS59-A008: Rapid-update Analysis With Multi-scale Correction and Its Impact on the Heavy Rainfall Development Over the Taipei Basin
Co-authored with:
Shu-Chih YANG1#, Pao-Liang CHANG2, Wei-Yu CHANG1, Chih-Chien TSAI3
1National Central University
2Central Weather Bureau
3National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction
National Taiwan University
AS33-A007: Orographic Precipitation Enhancement in the Outer-core Region of Typhoon Chanthu (2021) Observed by a Dual-polarimetric Doppler Radar
Co-authored with:
Cheng-Ku YU
National Taiwan University
Nari IM
Yonsei University
AS47-A001: Reversibility of European Heatwaves in a CO2 Removal Scenario
Co-authored with:
Soon-Il AN1#, Jongsoo SHIN1, Daehyun KIM2, Seung-Ki MIN3, Jong-Seong KUG3
1Yonsei University
2University of Washington
3Pohang University of Science and Technology
The University of Tokyo
AS15-A003: Maintenance Mechanism of Cutoff Lows as Vortex-Vortex Interactions: A Case Study of July 2021 in Europe
Co-authored with:
Keita IGA1, Akira YAMAZAKI2
1The University of Tokyo
2Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
Hydrological Science (HS)
Yiran WANG
National University of Singapore
HS06-A007: Temporal Changes in Global Soil Water Residence Time
Co-authored with:
Naika MEILI, Simone FATICHI#
National University of Singapore
Interdisciplinary Geosciences (IG)
Tohoku University
IG31-A012: Resonance Characterization of Taiwan Based on Near-field Tsunamis Potentially Excited Along Ryukyu Trench
Co-authored with:
Tohoku University
Ocean Science (OS)
Gui HU
Sun Yat-sen University
OS08-A016: Source Characteristics of the 2006 Pingtung Earthquake Doublet Off the Southern Taiwan and the Possible Contribution of Submarine Landslides to the Tsunami
Co-authored with:
Linlin LI1, Tso-Ren WU2, Peitao WANG3, Dong-Jiing DOONG4, Philip Li-Fan LIU5
1Sun Yat-sen University
2National Central University
3Ministry of Natural Resources
4National Cheng Kung University
5National University of Singapore
Planetary Science (PS)
Yu-Hsiang WENG
National Central University
PS03-A010: Estimates of the Atmospheric Mass Loss of the Trappist-1 Exoplanets Caused by Superflares
Co-authored with:
Chia-Lung LIN, Wing-Huen IP, Tzu-Heng CHANG, Yao HSIAO
National Central University
Solar & Terrestrial Science (ST)
Nagoya University
ST25-A001: Low-cost Magnetometers Using Magneto-impedance (MI) Sensors
Co-authored with:
Masahito NOSÉ1, Hiroshi NOMURA1, Hiroshi ICHIHARA1, Yoshihiro IWANAGA2, Takeshi KAWANO2, Seiki ASARI3, Hideyuki HIRAHARA3, Megumi KAITO3, Shingo NAGAMACHI3
1Nagoya University
2Aichi Steel Corporation
3Japan Meteorological Agency
Chuanpeng HOU
Peking University
ST30-A020: From Magnetic Reconnection at Chromospheric Network Boundaries to Switchbacks in the Inner Heliosphere
Co-authored with:
Jiansen HE1#, Die DUAN1, Huichao LI2, Yajie CHEN1
1Peking University
2Harbin Institute of Technology
Solar Earth Science (SE)
Doshisha University
SE12-A001: Application of Ultra-rapid-stacking GPR to Active Fault Studies: Comparison With Arrayed Boring in the Eastern Marginal Fault of the Nara Basin, Southwest Japan
Co-authored with:
Haruo KIMURA2, Kaoru TANIGUCHI3, Toshimichi NAKANISHI4, Hiroyuki TSUTSUMI1
1Doshisha University,
2Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry
3Pasco Corporation
4Museum of Natural and Environmental History