Best Student Poster

Congratulations to the winners of the AOGS2016 Best Student Poster Competition!

AS | BG | HS | IG | OS | PS | ST | SE | Award Criteria & Competition Rules

Atmospheric Science (AS)

Chia-Pang KUO
Texas A&M University
AS06-A008 - Evaluation of Light Scattering by Ice Clouds in the Infrared Spectrum
Co-authored with:
Ping YANG1, Xianglei HUANG2, Daniel FELDMAN3, Mark FLANNER2
1Texas A&M University
2University of Michigan
3Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Berkeley

Chenggong WANG
Peking University
AS23-A013 - Correlation Between Intensity of the Hadley Circulation and Asian and Australian Monsoon Circulations in Summer
Co-authored with:
Han HUANG2, Yongyun HU1
1Peking University
2Nanjing University

Charlie C. F. LOK
City University of Hong Kong
AS19-A057 - Projecting Future Changes in Tropical Cyclone Intensity at Landfall
Co-authored with:
Johnny CHAN
City University of Hong Kong

Yixuan ZHENG
Tsinghua University
AS35-A024 - Assessment of Ground-Level PM2.5 Concentrations Over Three Megalopolises in China Using Satellite-Derived Aerosol Optical Depth Measurements
Co-authored with:
Qiang ZHANG1, Yang LIU2, Guannan GENG1, Kebin HE1
1Tsinghua University
2Emory University

Ga-Young KIM
Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology
AS08-A015 - Future Change in Extreme Precipitation Indices by Climate Change
Co-authored with:
Dong-Hyun CHA1, Gil LEE1, Chun-Sil JIN1, Dong-Kyou LEE2,3, Myoung-Seok SUH4, Joong-Bae AHN5, Seung-Ki MIN6, Song-You HONG7, Hyun-Suk KANG3
1Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology
2Seoul National University
3Korea Meteorological Administration
4Kongju National University
5Pusan National University
6Pohang University of Science and Technology
7Yonsei University

Hsiao-Ching HUANG
National Taiwan University
AS19-A071 - Hurricane-Ocean Interaction Related to Enso in the Eastern North Pacific Ocean
Co-authored with:
National Taiwan University

Biogeosciences (BG)

Peking University
BG07-A005 - Greenhouse Gas Emissions from an Alpine Wetland: Magnitude, Pattern and Their Responses to Water Table Lowering and Nitrogen Deposition
Co-authored with:
Weimin SONG, Lingfei YU, Jin-Sheng HE
Peking University

Yang GUO
Beijing Normal University
BG15-A034 - Distributions of Soil Organic and Inorganic Carbon in Cropland Ecosystem in the Lower Reaches of the Yellow River Basin
Co-authored with:
Xiujun WANG1,2, Xianglan LI1, Minggang XU3
1Beijing Normal University
2University of Maryland
3Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Hydrological Science (HS)

Tsinghua University
HS02-A027 - Change in Depth of Seasonally Frozen Ground and Its Ecohydrological Impacts in the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau
Co-authored with:
Dawen YANG
Tsinghua University

Beom Jin KIM
Kyungpook National University
HS12-A018 - Flood Inundation Analysis Considering Sediment in Sewer Pipe in Urban Area
Co-authored with:
Kun-Yeun HAN1, Myeong Hun SON2, Byunghyun KIM1
1Kyungpook National University
2Korea Rural Community Corporation

Beijing Normal University
HS19-A003 - Analysis of Agricultural Drought Based on Remote Sensing Indices in Northeast China

Yiheng CHEN
University of Bristol
HS25-A002 - Big Data and Hydroinformatics
Co-authored with:
Dawei HAN
University of Bristol

Interdisciplinary Geosciences (IG)

Jinfeng LIU
Utrecht University
IG07-A010 - Permeability of Coal to CH4 Under Fixed Volume Boundary Conditions: The Effect of Stress-Strain-Sorption Behaviour
Co-authored with:
Peter FOKKER2, Christopher SPIERS1
1Utrecht Universit
2TNO - National Geological Survey

Zhongyin CAI
Chinese Academy of Sciences
IG08-A010 - Atmospheric Controls on Seasonal and Interannual Variations in the Precipitation Isotope in the East Asian Monsoon Region
Co-authored with:
Chinese Academy of Sciences

Ocean Science (OS)

Chinese Academy of Sciences
OS31-A007 - Mooring Observations of Equatorial Western Pacific Currents During the Onset of the 2015 El Nino Event
Co-authored with:
Chinese Academy of Sciences

Taoran SONG
Tongji University
OS24-A004 - Role of Lower Crustal Strength in Continental Breakup of the South China Sea
Co-authored with:
Chun-Feng LI
Zhejiang University

Wenfang LU
University of Delaware
OS30-A009 - The Coastal Ocean Response to the Global Warming Acceleration and Hiatus
Co-authored with:
Xiao-Hai YAN1, Yuwu JIANG2, Enhui LIAO1, Autumn KIDWELL1
1University of Delaware
2Xiamen University

The University of Tokyo
OS22-SE37-A007 - 2015 Torishima Tsunami Earthquake: Ray Tracing Analysis of Dispersive Tsunami Wave
Co-authored with:
Shingo WATADA1, Kenji SATAKE1, Yoshio FUKAO2, Hiroko SUGIOKA2, Aki ITO2, Hajime SHIBARA1
1The University of Tokyo
2Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
3Kobe University

Planetary Science (PS)

University of Central Florida
PS11-A017- Thermophysical Modeling of Near Earth Asteroids: 1627 Ivar
Co-authored with:
Ellen HOWELL2, Christopher MAGRI3, Yanga FERNANDEZ1, Sean MARSHALL4, Michael NONLAN2, Brian WARNERS5, Ronald VERVACK6
1University of Central Florida
2University of Arizona
3University of Maine at Farmington
4Cornell University
5Center for Solar System Studies
6Johns Hopkins University

Solar & Terrestrial Science (ST)

University of Science and Technology of China
ST17-A015 - A Numerical Study of the Interhemispheric Asymmetry of the Equatorial Ionization Anomaly in June Solstice at Solar Minimum
Co-authored with:
Xiaoli LUAN1, Jiuhou LEI1, Xiankang DOU1, Weixing WAN2
1University of Science and Technology of China
2Chinese Academy of Sciences

Jiawei TAO
Peking University
ST04-05-A021 - Solar Wind ~0.1-1.5 Kev Electrons in the Corotating Interaction Regions
Co-authored with:
Linghua WANG1,2, Jiansen HE1, Chuanyi TU1
1Peking University
2University of California, Berkeley

Haitao LIU
Chinese Academy of Sciences
ST41-A019 - Ionospheric Response Following Mw 7.8 Gorkha Earthquake on 25 April 2015
Co-authored with:
Chinese Academy of Sciences

Shandong University
ST21-A002 - A Comparison Between Large-Scale Irregularities and Scintillations in the Polar Ionosphere
Co-authored with:
Qinghe ZHANG1, P. T. JAYACHANDRAN2, Michael LOCKWOOD3, Shunrong ZHANG4, Joran MOEN5, Zanyang XING1, Yuzhang MA1, Mark LESTER6
1Shandong University
2University of New Brunswick
3Rutherford-Appleton Laboratory
4Massachusetts Institute of Technology
5University of Oslo
6University of Leicester

Tieyan WANG
Beihang University
ST23-A015 - Statistical Characteristics of Ion Heating within the Bursty Bulk Flow of Plasma Sheet
Co-authored with:
Jinbin CAO1, Huishan FU1, Jing WANG1, Jian YANG1, Malcolm DUNLOP2
1Beihang University
2Rutherford-Appleton Laboratory

Solar Earth Science (SE)

Yong YU
Peking University
SE11-A008 - Upper-Mantle Velocity Structures Beneath the Qinling-Dabie Orogen and Surrounding Regions from Finite-Frequency Tomography
Co-authored with:
John CHEN1, Xiaofeng LIANG2
1Peking University
2Chinese Academy of Sciences

Wenfei MAO
Northeastern University
SE14-A021 - Experimental Study on Microwave Radiation of the Rock with Coversphere During the Loading Process
Co-authored with:
Lixin WU , Shanjun LIU, Jianwei HUANG, Qiang NI
Northeastern University

Université de Montpellier
SE27-A039 - Constraining the Slip Distribution Function Along the Bogd Active Fault (Gobi-Altay, Mongolia)
Co-authored with:
Ritz JEFF1, Yann KLINGER2, Matthieux FERRY1
1Université de Montpellier
2Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris