Best Student Poster

Congratulations to the winners of the AOGS2019 Best Student Poster Competition!

AS | BG | HS | IG | OS | PS | ST | SE | Award Criteria & Competition Rules

Atmospheric Science (AS)

Minhee CHANG
Seoul National University
AS47-A011: Tropical-extratropical Interaction Associated with Tropical Cyclone Formation in the Western North Pacific: A Case Study of Peipah (2007)
Co-authored with:
Chang-Hoi HO1, Johnny CHAN2, Myung-Sook PARK3, Seok-Woo SON1, Jinwon KIM4
1Seoul National University
2City University of Hong Kong
3Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology
4Chapman University

Liying QIU
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
AS26-A004: The Added Value of Very High Resolution Simulation over South Korea Using WRF
Co-authored with:
Eun-Soon IM
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Yi-Hsuan LIN
National Taiwan University
AS14-A033: The Remote Effect of Typhoon Khanun (2017) on the Heavy Rainfall over Eastern Taiwan – Evaluation of Uncertainty Based on Ensembles Simulations
Co-authored with:
Chun-Chieh WU
National Taiwan University

Hao-Lun YEH
National Central University
AS30-A031: Diagnosing Observation Error Correlations for Dopper Radar Radial Winds Based on the WRF-LETKF Data Assimilation System
Co-authored with:
Hsiang-Wen CHENG, Shu-Chih YANG
National Taiwan University

Biogeosciences (BG)

Hsin Hui WANG
National Taiwan University
BG09-A017 / Does Solar Energy Development Benefit or Harm Ecological Functions of Irrigation Pond Ecosystems?
Co-authored with:
Rita S.W. Yam1, Wei Ta FANG2
1National Taiwan University
2National Taiwan Normal University

Hydrological Science (HS)

Pengcheng SUN
Xi'an Jiaotong University
HS03-A035: Quantitative Attribution of Natural and Human Factors for Dramatic Reduction in Streamflow and Sediment in a Representative Watershed in the Loess Plateau
Co-authored with:
Yiping WU
Xi'an Jiaotong University

Yuqing SUN
China Agricultural University
HS03-A006: A Comparative Study of Short-term Streamflow Forecasting Models
Co-authored with:
Jun NIU1, Bellie SIVAKUMAR2,3
1China Agricultural University
2University of New South Wales
3Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

Interdisciplinary Geosciences (IG)

Alezon Maxine VALERIO
University of the Philippines Diliman
IG04-A013: Storm Surge Modeling, Simulation and Early Warning System in the Philippines
Co-authored with:
Vena Pearl BONGOLAN1,2, Michael GARCIA1
1University of the Philippines Diliman
2ICSU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

Ocean Science (OS)

Tianyu ZHOU
Xiamen University Malaysia
OS15-A020: Impacts of Relative Vorticity on Critical Latitude Effects on Internal Tides, Waves, and Mixing
Co-authored with:
Zhibo SHAO1, Weihong LIN1, Jiarui CHEN1, Muzhi ZHOU1, Paul HARTLIPP2, Robin ROBERTSON1
1Xiamen University Malaysia
2University of New South Wales

Yuxiang JI
Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology
OS15-A033: Submesoscale Eddies in the East China Sea Revealed from SAR Images
Co-authored with:
Guangjun XU2, Changming DONG1,3
1Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology
2Guangdong Ocean University
3University of California, Los Angeles

Planetary Science (PS)

Zheng-Xian CHEN
National Central University
PS08-A010: The Lunar Atmosphere During Extreme Solar Storms
Co-authored with:
Wing-Huen IP, Hua-Shan SHI, Meng-Che WU
National Central University

Solar & Terrestrial Science (ST)

Wenxun ZHANG
Wuhan University
ST11-A010: Parametric Sensitivity of the Formation of Reversed Energy Spectrum Caused by Plasmaspheric Hiss
Co-authored with:
Binbin NI1, He HUANG1, Xudong GU1, Hong ZHAO2, Xinlin LI2, Dan BAKER2, Fu SONG1
1Wuhan University
2University of Colorado Boulder

Solar Earth Science (SE)

Nanyang Technological University
SE09-A007: Combining Petrologic and Seismic Studies to Constrain Magma Storage Conditions Beneath Marapi Volcano, West Sumatra, Indonesia
Co-authored with:
Wang XIN1, Kristianto KRISTIANTO2, Hetty TRIASTUTY2, Dannie HIDAYAT1, Shengji WEI1, Benoit TAISNE1, Caroline BOUVET DE MAISONNEUVE1
1Nanyang Technological University
2Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation

Nanyang Technological University
SE09-A004: A Geostatistical Analysis Approach to Calibrate Models Predicting Spatial Distribution of Tephra Thickness
Co-authored with:
Nanyang Technological University